Holistic Healing with Reflexology, Reiki Energy Healing, Traditional Indian Head Massage, Yoga and Meditation
Reflexology for Menopause Support
Reduce stress naturally
Reflexology to Support Peri and Post Menopause
Reflexology reduces tension, promotes a deep state of relaxation, increase circulation and help bring the body back to a state of balance (homeostasis).
60 Minute Reflexology $95.00
45 Minute Reflexology $80.00
All prices include HST

The effects of reflexology on sleep disorder in menopausal women. Maryam Asltoghiri, Zahra Ghodsi. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, Volume 31, 2012, Pages 242-246,
The effects of reflexology applied to women aged between 40 and 60 on vasomotor complaints and quality of life. Gozuyesil E, Baser M. Complement Ther Clin Pract. 2016 Aug;24:78-85.
The effects of reflexology on depression during menopause: A randomized controlled clinical trial. F Mahdavipour et al. Complementary Therapies in Medicine, Volume 47, 2019,
The effects of reflexology for menopausal women. Williamson, J et al. BJOG_Oxford, 2002 Vol 109:Number 9, pg 1050-1055